Creation of sustainable growth is a prime concern of small business owners and big corporate executives alike. Obviously, however, achieving this goal is no easy task, given rapidly changing political, economic, competitive, and consumer trends. Competition is keen in nearly all industries, which have seen unprecedented breakdowns in the barriers that formerly separated them.
The growth challenge is articulated differently by different companies and within different industries. For some, developing and launching new products and services to meet the evolving needs of their customers is the issue. For others, it is capitalizing on global opportunities or looking for new business.
The key success factor in all this is: INNOVATION
KREIVO’s philosophy is based on many years involvement in day to day operations in power plants and industrial environments, long experience in various management positions in industrial plant operation, in new product development, in marketing and finally, in research and development in the field of energy generation and use.
Innovation is not only about new products, services or markets, but starts often at getting the day to day work optimised. Competitive advantage melts rapidly when not questioning regularly the way of doing things, when not permanently looking for improvements. By the way, the latter is also a very good tool for keeping your people in top working condition.
Problem solving, improving processes, systems, way of working, change… can be powerful satisfiers for your people. Sharing these challenges stimulates them to deliver the best of themselves.
Laser focus on the objective, not on the problems, get all your people involved, advance in little steps, work in team and invest in three values: competence, creativity and passion and you will be surprised how successful you will be in your projects.
the most precious value for a company: recruit the best, put “the right man on the right place”, invest in “what, who, when, how, where” training on-the-job, on-site, external.. have a process installed of knowledge management, root cause analysis, lessons learned, do team-meetings, peer reviews, auditing…
the seed for new products, improvements and problem solving through inventive thinking, idea generation, idea management, open contacts internal and external, working with mixed teams, with different back-ground or culture…
that grows in motivated people through involvement, job content, challenges, engagement, responsibility, teamwork, teambuilding, celebration of achievements, strength-based development. EQ often prevails IQ!
A good balance between these elements will guarantee sustainable growth of a company and motivated, happy collaborators.
Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Training on how to organise idea generation sessions, inventive thinking, idea management, new product development processes
Organising and coaching of idea generation sessions, writing an “elevator pitch”, preparing presentations for senior management
Advice, assistance, remote and on-site help for preparing projects for energy savings in generation and use: description of work and implementation plan.
Reviewing a project plan before launch, evaluation and recommendations during the progress. I Focus on scientific and technological value, on practical and operational implementation, on product launch and potential impact on the market. Writing a business development plan.
Advice, assistance, remote and on-site help for operational improvement action plans related to energy generation and use in industrial environment and power plants: analysis, setting priorities, SMART objectives, KPI’s, evaluation and follow-up.